Saturday, January 20, 2007

Expressing A Passion for the Supremacy of God in a Post-modern World

How will we express a passion for God's supremacy and glory in a post-modern and pluralistic world where most people do not recognize God as an important part of their lives? After reading John Piper there are several things he suggests as Christians and as a church that we can and must do:
1. We will seek to know God better than you we anything, and will delight in God more than we delight in anything and will desire God more than we desire anything. We will believe that knowing God and enjoying God above all things is the indispensable and all-important pathway to this end.
2.We will maintain a conviction at all tines that God is ever-present and gives all things their most important meaning. He is the creator sustainer, and governor of all things. We will keep in our minds the truth that all things exist to reveal something of God's infinite perfections. The full meaning of everything, from shoestrings to space shuttles, is the way they relate to God.
3. We will trust God in every circumstance to use his creative, sustaining, governing wisdom and power to work all things together for the good of all who love him. This is faith in the sovereign grace of all that God promises to be for us in Jesus.
4. We will make life choices that reveal the supreme worth of God above what the world values supremely. The steadfast love of the Lord is better than life (Psalm 63:3). So we will choose to die rather than lose sweet fellowship with God. This will show his supremacy over all that life offers.
5. We will speak to people of God's supreme worth in creative and winsome and persuasive ways, and tell people how they can be reconciled to God through Christ so that they can enjoy God's supremacy as protection and help, rather than fear it as judgment.
Committed to lifting up, speaking up, and living up the Supremacy of Christ in all things,
Pastor Bill

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