Monday, March 4, 2013

What I have learned as I leave my old life in California and start a new life in Hawaii

After 36 years of ministry here in California, I am moving this week to the island of Maui. Starting next week my blog will be called Desiring God in Maui.

As I reflect upon my life and ministry these past 36 years, these are some of the lessons I have learned:

-Everything is nothing but grace and mercy

-Nothing has to be what is. Never forget this.
-Money, possessions, and stuff mean nothing without Jesus. 
-Life is but a vapor.
-Ministry is a great privilege
-God owes me nothing, I owe Him everything
-Either humble yourself to God or He will humble you.
-God loves me even when I am not feeling or being very spiritual.
-Things don't always get better in life, sometimes they get worse, but God is good.
-Keep your expectations only in God and not yourself, people, and circumstances, then you won't get disappointed
-There are two things that happen in every adversity we face; the adversity itself, and the way we respond to the adversity. How we respond will either transform us or destroy us.
- The Psalms are God's prayer book. They have been my life line when I have been scared, sad, weak, lonely, stressed, broken, doubting, and lost.
-The Lord really does take care of us. I never cease to be amazed at His provision.

-Listen to God. Pay attention to Him.His ways are always right, true, and best for us no matter what seems right to us in the short term.
-Be sure to take care of your soul above all things. If you don't, the time will surely come when you will find out that you did not and you will wish that you did.                                                            -The hardest person to know is ourselves. Our hearts are full of self deception and there is a way that seems right in our own eyes that always leads to death

-The only way to know ourselves is to know God.
-God is always speaking if we would only become open, alive, and alert to Him speaking through the Word, nature, daily providence's, and others.
-God speaks to us through our brothers and sisters. Be humble, be open, and be teachable. It might save your life.
-The spirit is very willing but the flesh is very weak.We need to be self aware and utterly depend upon His strength in order to live the 
lives He has called us to live.
-Do not make decisions when you are emotional. You will regret it. I sure have.
-A man reaps what He sows. Disobey God and He will lovingly chasten you.
-Sin does not pay ever!Obedience pays both in this life and the life 

to come.-Life is very,very short, don't waste it.

-Stay in fellowship with those more Godly than you, wiser than you, and who love God more than you, therefore will love you 
enough to speak truth to you.
-Enjoy your church, your family, and your friends. Always tell them that you love and appreciate them. Each one is a gift to you. 
Don't take any of them for granted. 
-Submit to the place God has you in.
-Adopt to the pace He is moving and working in your life. Do not run ahead of Him.
-Hurting people will always hurt people and make it seem like its your fault.
-Let him who cannot be alone, beware of being with others. Let him who cannot be with others, beware of being alone.
-God is not concerned near as much about what I do as He is 

concerned for who I am.-A clear conscience before God is the most freeing and wonderful way to live.

-Keep very short accounts with God. Confess your sins. Be honest with Him.
-Peace with God in my soul is the most important peace that I need.
-It is good to be quiet, centered,, and contemplative. God will get the glory and others will glean the benefits.
-Do not think that you can control your life or God. If you do, He 

will show you how out of control you really are.
-Do not presume upon God and put your trust in what you want, wish, or desire. If you do, you will become deeply disappointed in God. Put you trust in Him alone. He will fulfill His purpose for your life.-The Father loves me. He is 100% for me because of His Son Jesus.
-Apart from Jesus, I really can do nothing.
-His grace is the operating, moving, motivating, faith producing,enabling force in my life.
-Love is the most important thing there is in the life of a Christian.
-God wants us to be free and to allow others freedom. He wants us to be less intrusive and invasive in others lives. He wants us to learn to accept each others differences and not try to change people to be like us.
-Faith is easy to talk about until you have to live by it. But it is the call to every Christian.
-Jesus is with me, even if I don't see Him, feel Him, or believe

-Learn to flow with God and not fight Him. You can't win any

Minisrty is a gift and grace, not a perk.

-God uses weak, poor, needy, and flawed people to do His work

-You cannot go forward in life if you are looking back. 
-You can always find numerous reasons for gratitude to God. Something happens in your soul when you become a thankful person.
-I am a great sinner and Jesus is a great Savior. On His kind arms I fall.

Next week I will write from Maui.  Thank you for reading this. I hope my blog has blessed you. It has been a deep joy for me.