Wednesday, July 13, 2011


"God works all things to the good for those who love Him" Romans 8:28
"What you intended for evil, God intended for the goo and the saving of many lives." Genesis 50:20

Today I had an epiphany that I must muse upon for awhile. I thought of life as a story. There is the story itself, the story that I want it to be, and the story that God is writing. Many of my disappointments, discouragement's, and frustrations with God are due to the fact that He is not writing my story the way that I desire. Often times His seeming silence is simply my ears turned deaf to the story that He is writing in my life. In difficult moments, I am in the middle of His story. If instead of despairing,or becoming frustrated,disappointed, and angry with the story God is writing; what I need to do is look for traces of His hand as He writes my story. II must surrender to the supreme author and stay in the story that He is writing. It will inevitably make for a much better story than the one that I would like to write anyway and it will inevitably lead to a very happy ending.

I am watching and listening to the story and the painting and the weaving of the tapestry of my Father in Heaven over my life. I am getting my eyes off what I think is missing and instead beginning to trace His beautiful poetry, artistry, and ineffable design. It truly helps fill in so many momentary gaps. I like to watch and listen to Him write,weave, and paint. Incomparable and supremely inspiring!

Pastor Bill


Anonymous said...

Thank you for making me realize my story would be better if I tossed it and just read and accept what God has written for me,much love to you dear Bill

Patricia Good said...

Correction is hard to take we sometimes seem to be selective Christians taking what is comfortable for us and ignoring the uncomfortable. So I am in agreement we need to accept correction so that we can grow and be who God called us to be. God is using you. Patricia