Monday, January 7, 2008


My favorite pastor and teacher, John Piper once wrote a prayer for his church. Ever since I read it, I have made it my own. Each year I make a similar prayer for my church. I pray that you will make this your prayer for your church and your life this coming year

O Lord, by the truth of your Word, and the power of your Spirit and the ministry of your body, please build all of the men and women and boys and girls at the Lighthouse into a people . . .

who don’t love the world or the things of this world more than they love God,
who don’t ever want to sin again,
who don’t desire the fleeting pleasures of sin more than the pleasures of God
who don’t allow the world to desensitize their consciences or shape their decisions
who don’t try to find happiness in people, in this world, or the things of this world
who don’t care if they make much money,
who don’t quite when times get tough
who don’t care if they have many possessions,
who don’t care if they get famous,
who don’t care what people think about them,
who don’t live for the esteem of self or others
who don’t expect that life should be safe, secure, comfortable, and easy,
who don’t make decisions based upon what is convenient or expedient,
who don’t feel like they know it all or have learned all there is to learn,
who don’t feed their minds on primarily on TV or movies or talk radio or magazines each day,
who don’t allow the world, culture, or popular opinion to influence their thinking, morals, attitudes, perspectives, passions, and values,
who don’t get paralyzed by others’ disapproval,
who don’t return evil for evil,
who don’t hold grudges,
who don’t hate,
who don’t gossip,
who expect little from God,
who are negative, pessimistic, critical, or cynical,
who don’t hoard or hold back,
who don’t twist the truth,
who don’t brag or boast,
who don’t whine and complain,
who don’t criticize more than praise,
who don’t hang out with anyone who would cause them to love Christ less,
who don’t waste their lives

But instead please build them into a people …

who will not compromise for anything or anyone,
who are ablaze with passion for God,
who are utterly God-intoxicated,
who always ask “What would Jesus do?” in every decision,
who are filled with the Holy Spirit,
who strive to know the height and depth of Christ’s love and to love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength,
who are crucified to the world and dead to sin,
who are compelled by God’s love to tell others about Jesus,
who are purified by the Word and addicted to righteousness,
who run the race, fight the good fight, and keep the faith
who keep the Lord’s Day (Sunday)holy and refreshing by honoring it,
who pray whenever they are in trouble, which is always,
who worship God in Spirit and in truth,
who are broken by the consciousness of sin,
who are thrilled by the wonder of God’s free and amazing grace,
who are stunned into humble silence by the riches of God’s glory,
who are persevering constantly in prayer,
who are ruthless in self-denial,
who are fearless in public witness to Christ’s Lordship,
who are able to unmask error and blow away doctrinal fog,
who are tough in standing for the truth,
who are tender in touching hurting people,
who are merciful in forgiving others and extending grace to all,
who are humble and patient with others shortcomings
who are passionate about reaching the peoples who have no church,
who are keepers of all their promises, including marriage vows,
who are content with what they have and trusting the promises of God,
who are patient and kind and meek when life is hard,
who love those who God loves,
who are full of faith in God
who have optimistic hope in God for their future
who worry less and trust more
who expect great things from God
who attempt great things for God
who suffer with joy
who treasure Christ above all
who persevere through thick and thin daily,
who give love to give generously and cheerfully,
who are committed to growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord,
who are happy and satisfied in Christ alone.
who find their greatest joy in bringing God glory and others joy

PRAYING and PRESSING ON for all there is in Christ in 2008,

Pastor Bill

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